In the blockchain world, transactions per second (TPS) metrics measure the number of transactions a blockchain can process in a second.
There are 3 most common types of TPS:
Real-time TPS
Max Recorded TPS
Max Theoretical TPS
Real-time TPS
Real-time TPS shows how many transactions per second the blockchain is processing. It’s probably the most important of all three metrics because it is based on real-time blockchain data and can’t be inflated. It shows the adoption level of the blockchain and its actual throughput.
Max Recorded TPS
Max recorded TPS indicates the peak TPS blockchain has ever reached. It shows how many transactions a blockchain can process during times of high workload. Typically, it happens when the market is volatile, and a lot of people want to transact at the same time.
Max Theoretical TPS
Max theoretical TPS shows how many transactions per second the blockchain is theoretically capable of handling. To calculate this metric, divide the block size measured in gas or bytes by the size of the smallest transaction possible. In most blockchains, the least possible transaction is a transfer of a native token.
For example, the Ethereum block size is 30 million gas, the block time is 12 seconds, and the transfer of Ether takes 21,000 of gas. It means each block can contain 30 million / 21,000 = 1428 transactions. So, the maximum theoretical TPS is 1428 transactions / 12s = 119 transactions per second. Of course, the reality is often different due to the different block times, block sizes, and other real-world nuances.
TPS metrics of the most popular blockchains
The following metrics are relevant on Feb 12, 2024. For real-time TPS check out our dashboard.
Algorand TPS is 18.02 transactions per second
Algorand Max TPS is 3,227 transactions per second
Arbitrum TPS is 10.6 transactions per second
Arbitrum Max TPS is 380 transactions per second
Avalanche TPS is 2.41 transactions per second
Avalanche Max TPS is 92.74 transactions per second
Base TPS is 5.41 transactions per second
Base Max TPS is 34.52 transactions per second
Bitcoin TPS is 8.59 transactions per second
Bitcoin Max TPS is 10.92 transactions per second
BNB Chain TPS is 42.42 transactions per second
BNB Chain Max TPS is 1,731 transactions per second
BNB Greenfield TPS is 0.13 transactions per scond
BNB Greenfield Max TPS is 2.25 transactions per second
Celo TPS is 4.39 transactions per second
Celo Max TPS is 268 transactions per second
Cronos TPS is 0.31 transactions per second
Cronos Max TPS is 142 transactions per second
Crust TPS is 0 transactions per second
Crust Max TPS is 0.01 transactions per second
Ethereum TPS is 11.75 transactions per second
Ethereum Max TPS is 62.34 transactions per second
Fantom TPS is 3.2 transactions per second
Fantom Max TPS is 181 transactions per second
Gnosis Chain TPS is 2.36 transactions per second
Gnosis Chain Max TPS is 80.9 transactions per second
Hedera TPS is 1,332 transactions per second
Hedera Max TPS is 3,287 transactions per second
Integritee TPS is 0.0006 transactions per second
Integritee Max TPS is 0.04 transactions per second
IoTeX TPS is 0.13 transactions per second
IoTeX Max TPS is 223 transactions per second
opBNB TPS is 46.44 transactions per second
opBNB Max TPS is 229 transactions per second
Optimism TPS is 4.59 transactions per second
Optimism Max TPS is 32.87 transactions per second
Polkadex TPS is 0.0036 transactions per second
Polkadex Max TPS is 0.45 transactions per second
Polkadot TPS is 0.15 transactions per second
Polkadot Max TPS is 112 transactions per second
Polygon TPS is 44.33 transactions per second
Polygon Max TPS is 282 transactions per second
Scroll TPS is 3.01 transactions per second
Scroll Max TPS is 25.86 transactions per second
Sirius TPS is 0.01 transactions per second
Sirius Max TPS is 0.02 transactions per second
Solana TPS is 896 transactions per second
Solana Max TPS is 1,608 transactions per second
Starknet TPS is 1.89 transactions per second
Starknet Max TPS is 22.87 transactions per second
Telos TPS is 3.2 transactions per second
Telos Max TPS is 7.5 transactions per second
Tron TPS is 56.52 transactions per second
Tron Max TPS is 236 transactions per second
Zeitgeist TPS is 0.0011 transactions per second
Zeitgeist Max TPS is 0.08 transactions per second